Intermediate Math League of Eastern Massachusetts > Meet Information >
IMLEM Dates and Sites 2019-20

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    Meet 1Meet 2Meet 3Meet 4Meet 5
 Scheduled date October 17November 21January 16February 27April 2
Cluster 1 Pentucket Regional Amesbury River Valley Charter Pentucket Regional Triton Regional
Cluster 2 Beverly Shore Country Day St. John Peabody Shore Country Day St. John's Prep
Cluster 3 Meadowbrook School Wayland Natick Kennedy Weston Natick Wilson
**March 26**
Cluster 4 Lynnfield ?
**December 5**
? ? ?
Cluster 5 Marblehead ? ? ? ?
Cluster 6 Tewksbury Wynn Andover West Dracut Richardson Andover Doherty Andover Wood Hill
Cluster 7 Newton Oak Hill
**October 24**
Newton Oak Hill Newton Oak Hill Newton Brown Newton Brown
Cluster 8 Lexington Diamond
**October 10**
Lexington Clarke Winchester McCall [Individual Schools] Belmont Chenery
**March 27**
Cluster 9 AMSA Charter Westborough Gibbons Worcester Burncoat AMSA Charter Worcester Burncoat
Cluster 10 Mansfield Qualters Sharon ? ? ?
Cluster 11 Concord Framingham Walsh Sudbury Curtis Concord Lincoln Brooks
Cluster 12 Manchester Essex Rockport Miles River Regional Masconomet Regional Ipswich
Cluster 13 Billerica Locke
**October 24**
Westford Stony Brook Westford Stony Brook Westford Blanchard Carlisle
Cluster 14 Boston Edwards
**October 10**
Boston Edwards Boston Edwards
**January 13**
Boston Edwards Boston Edwards
**March 19**
Cluster 15 Reading Parker
**October 10**
Austin Prep Wilmington Reading Coolidge Reading Parker
Pennsylvania Mount Nittany
**October 30**
Park Forest
**December 4**
Penn State Altoona
**January 18**
Bald Eagle J.H.S.
**February 26**
Young Scholars/C-PA
**April 1**
Last cluster
October 30December 5January 18February 27April 2


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